To make a movie successful you have to get to know your target audience. By doing this you can focus your advertising and how you market the movie around their interests. For example, if you found your audience are likely to eat at a certain restaurant, you could try and make a partnership with that restaurant and put posters up in the restaurant etc.
The majority of our audience will be teenagers. This is because the movie is centred around people their age and teenagers like to watch something they can relate to. For example, the majority of teenagers would choose to see The Inbetweeners Movie over Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy because they can relate to the characters more. However, the delicate issue the movie deals with (suicide) also creates scope for it to attract older more mature audiences. Having said that I don't think that the movie would attract any audiences that were over 30 since for the movie to have the best emotional effect on the audience, they need to be able to relate to it at least a little bit and if their teenage years were too long ago it may be hard to relate to.
I think that our movie will also attract a fairly similar ratio of Men and Women since it is a likely choice for couples to go to see because the movie deals with the subject of Love. The other subjects (suicide and loss) aren't particularly gender specific subjects either.
Other movies that our audience may be likely to watch may include Shifty, Man on a Ledge, The Hunger Games and Kidulthood. This is because they are in the same genre and mostly deal with the same core issues.
Since the movie will attract younger audiences, they are more likely to be good with technology. Therefore they will use things such as Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and will mostly own SmartPhones.They are also likely to get their clothes from shops like Topman/Topshop, Holister, Superdry and will eat in places like Costa, Starbucks and Subway.
Here is an animation I made to show the variation of people that may go to see our movie and a mood board to show what their interests may be.